It was my dad that introduced me to photography. A makeshift darkroom in a cramped airing cupboard with masking tape over the door-crack. Equipment and chemicals "borrowed" from the art college where he worked. A cheap Chinon SLR. I was hooked.
These days I earn a living moving bytes around for Big Tech. The passion for photography remains. The view through the lens. Composing a frame. The interplay of form, tone and, when I'm feeling brave, colour. The smell of the chemicals. The feel of the film between my fingers. The magic of revealing the hidden images on a roll and the rare pleasure of finding a great shot, an image that works, amid the dross. 
This website contains a small selection of my photographs. They are all released under CC-BY-4.0 so if you wish to use them you can. If you do, or if you want to get in touch for some other reason, please use the form below. 
Thank you!
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